Why choose us?

  • Independence Matters

    As a founder-led boutique, we take independence seriously. Here’s why it sets us apart:

    Client-Centric Approach: We serve only our clients, ensuring their best interests are at the core of every decision we make.

    Objective Advice: Our independence allows us to provide truly unbiased advice, free from external pressures.

    Courage to Be Different: We’re not afraid to go against the herd and take actions that might seem unpopular. Our focus is on doing what’s right, not what’s fashionable. To achieve above-average results, you need to be willing to go against the grain when it matters.

  • Aligned with You

    At Forterra, we walk the talk. Here’s how we’re fully aligned with our clients:

    Invested Together: We eat our own cooking— we are invested in the same companies as our clients. We are in this together.

    No Hidden Charges: No extra fees, commissioned products, or surprises. Our incentive is to deliver performance.

    Trust: Our alignment builds trust, assuring clients that we prioritize long-term performance.

  • Experience Counts

    Professional investing is a craft that blends lived experience and knowledge. Here’s why experience matters:

    Behavioural Insights: Investing is rife with behavioural biases. The most crucial lessons come from experience.

    Experience in the Cockpit: Just as you wouldn’t trust an inexperienced pilot, investing—especially in smaller companies—requires seasoned professionals.

    Attributes We Share: Decision-making under pressure, risk assessment, and safety prioritization—essential for both pilots and portfolio managers.

  • Proven Track Record

    We have thoughtfully compounded wealth for clients for years. It’s easier said than done.

    Our success lies in building portfolios that create long-term wealth for clients - with a focus on the long-term.

    We have a proven track record of sticking to our investment discipline and delivering results.

    Focusing on smaller companies allows us to leverage our experience where it can have the greatest impact. We know where our expertise lies and we use it to the full extent to benefit our clients.